Start hiring
Meet disproportionately talented operators who you can hire without the constraints of a full-time job. Startups, enterprises, bootstrapped companies, and PE and VC firms turn to HG to hire for their hardest problems.
15% added on your operator's rate for 12 months, then just 5%.
The more people you hire, the more our fee is reduced.
Yes, you'll want to poach our people. If you find a great mutual fit, you can convert their contract into a full-time role on your team for a flat $10,000 fee.
Start with a personalized 1:1 call with our team. We want to hear the real story of what's going on for your team, where you need help, and your goals, budget, and availability needs.
No outbounds, just interviews. In 3-5 business days, we'll share a short-list of crazy qualified people who want to meet you. You'll review their application and profile, then decide who you want to meet.
Get right to work. We provide clear, fair, contract terms for all levels and projects. HG also handles payments and paperwork, so you don't have to worry about payroll.
During our scope call, we'll help you set a budget based on the function, seniority level, and hours you're looking for. We'll also help you work out if you should pay hourly or on retainer. You'll finalize the rate with the person you hire during the interview process, and most people will work with you on budget for a role they're excited about.
While each person sets their own rates, and while every role is different, this table below gives a general idea.
3-8 years experience
8-15 years meaningful experience
VP or C-Suite roles for 3+ years
8-15 years meaningful experience
VP or C-Suite roles for 3+ years
3-8 years experience
8-15 years meaningful experience
VP or C-Suite roles for 3+ years
We auto charge via ACH twice monthly for your operator's invoice + Platform Fee, then email you a receipt. If you want to pay with credit card, we add an additional 3% to your Platform Fee to cover credit card processing.
If your Operator is paid hourly, we'll provide time tracking tools that you'll review along with your receipt. If you're paying a fixed monthly retainer, we'll break down the rate for easy twice monthly billing.
No. All roles on HG require paying in cash — we don't work on equity-only roles.
If you're hiring an Advisor or Fractional Executive, it's common practice to pay both cash and equity, but cash-only comp is appropriate for all other roles. During the scope process, we'll share data on best practices for your role.
Our network are independent contractors (1099) who are contracted and paid through HG. They do work for you through HG's entity.' It'’'s the same system you use on Upwork, Taskrabbit and other service marketplaces. All hiring is done through HG's entity, so no one is on your books.
If you want to take someone off HG and bring them onto your team (and you will!), you'll pay a fee, and we'll help you with the Contract-to-Hire process.
We might open it up in the future, but for now, our customers tell us that the biggest value is the short-list of people that we give them — No blind searching, no outbound messaging, no back and forth with candidates.